Our Worship Schedule
Calvary gathers in person and online each week, as pandemic conditions allow. We keep our homepage and Facebook presence updated with our current status. Our services are streamed online at our videos page on Sunday morning at 10:30 and Wednesday at 10:00. Our typical pattern of worship is below.
8:00 a.m. & 10.30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Healing
Christian Formation
9:30 a.m. - Adult Classes
10:15 a.m. - Rotations Sunday School
12:00 noon - Spiritual Direction Group - 1st Sunday
J. Clarkson & Jacque Combs
Worship Opportunities at Calvary
The Holy Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Both services follow Rite II from the Book of Common Prayer. The 8:00 Eucharist is celebrated without music. The 10:30 service includes organ music, a full choir, congregational singing and occasionally children’s singing or guest instrumentalists. The Sacrament of Healing is offered at both services.
Wednesday Holy Eucharist & Healing is offered at 10:00 a.m. throughout the year. This is a small, very informal service that takes place in the Chapel and offers healing prayers, a shared homily, and Eucharist. The Saint of the Day is celebrated each week. The service is extremely friendly and welcoming – please join us.
Other Worship Opportunities are offered throughout the year - check the newsletter or calendar for more information.
Opportunities for Ministry in Worship
Chalice Bearer–Assists the priest during communion by administering the chalice (cup of wine). Chalice Bearers are licensed by the Bishop at the request of the Rector.
Lector/Intercessor– Reads the Old or New Testament Lessons or leads the Prayers of the People during worship.
Lay Eucharistic Visitor– LEV’s take the sacrament from the Sunday morning service to parishioners who cannot attend due to temporary or prolonged illness or disability. Becoming a Lay Eucharistic Visitor requires a sense of call to this ministry and training. Lay Eucharistic Visitors are licensed by the Bishop at the request of the rector.
Greeter – Welcomes worshipers as they enter the nave, assists visitors and newcomers, distributes bulletins, assists with seating, collects the offering, and assists parishioners with getting to and from the communion rail. Teams are scheduled through the parish office. Both adults and teenagers are welcome to volunteer.
Acolytes–Serving as an acolyte is an ancient responsibility dating back to the earliest days of the church. Youth who are in 6th – 12th grade are eligible to serve. Acolytes assist by lighting the altar candles, carrying the processional crosses, torches, banners and flags, and assisting the priest throughout the service. On a typical Sunday at Calvary, seven acolytes serve at the 10:30 service. Adults are also needed for special services, such as during the week.
Altar Guild– Guild Members prepare the church and chapel for services held in the church, including regularly scheduled worship, as well as weddings and funerals. They maintain all the altar metal-ware, linens, candles, and flowers. Two or three people work together as a team. Although Guild members traditionally were women, male Altar Guild members are more than welcome.
Palm Sunday 2018